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Today is Veterans Day, but on Facebook it is more like a National Day of Mourning. A glitch in the matrix has triggered an accidental memorial message for a number of Facebook users for some unknown reason.

Multiple Facebook profiles had a banner stretching across the page with a standardized message usually reserved for users who have died.

“We hope people who love [random Facebook user] will find comfort in the things others share to remember and celebrate [his/her] life.”

Facebook gave this message to The Wall Street Journal:

Some have joked that Facebook killed off a number of people who blamed Facebook for having Donald Trump elected to be president this week. While Facebook should crack down on viral links that are shared on the site, we have to think even the social media empire is incapable of organizing a mass-murder-spree of it users expressing such opinions about the social network. OR ARE THEY?!




Note to self: Never blame Facebook for anything. ANYTHING!


About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.