After a 1-0 win against Jang’ombe, Miembeni coach Mani Gamera went off in celebration. Wearing a white undershirt and track pants, Gamera beat his chest to the crowd, then ran to the other end and did some D-Generation X-type crotch chops. And if that wasn’t enough, Gamera dropped his pants in front of everyone. That was when security showed up to have him get his pants back on and Gamera went to celebrate with the players.

Already one of the most incredibly memorable celebrations, Gamera and the team did the Bafétimbi Gomis goal celebration.

As a result of this celebration, Gamera was suspended from the Zanzibar Premier League for six months and fined what would be the equivalent of $200. Why did Gamera go off on his former team? Gamera said Jang’ombe called him an ‘ape’ when they fired him and after defeating them, he’s “taken off their clothes” and he’s “their husband” and “their dad.”

I can’t say I knew much about Zanzibar football before today but I learned one thing. Do not piss off Mani Gamera.

About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp

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