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Fans attending this year’s 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar could be in for a rude awakening when they’re faced with the country’s strict religious rules impacting everything from alcohol consumption to their sex lives.

This year’s World Cup will be held in the predominantly Muslim country of Qatar which has strict controls on alcohol as well as outright bans on extramarital sex and homosexuality, leading to many potential complications for fans and organizers alike.

While Qatar does not completely ban alcohol, consuming alcohol in public places is illegal in the country. As a result, this year’s World Cup stadiums are set to be alcohol-free, with beer sales outside arenas only allowed before and after some matches, according to Reuters.

Unlike previous World Cups, alcohol will not be served all day in the main FIFA fan zone, either, but only during restricted times in certain places. The World Cup’s main party zone will also be alcohol-free, instead offering fans a six-kilometer family-friendly street carnival.

On top of the concerns about the strict alcohol regulations, Qatar also completely outlaws sex outside of marriage and homosexuality, with each ­carrying a prison ­sentence of up to seven years.

“Sex is very much off the menu, unless you are coming as a husband and wife team. There definitely will be no one-night stands at this tournament,” a police source told The Daily Star. “There is essentially a sex ban in place at this year’s World Cup for the first time ever. Fans need to be prepared.”

It sounds like fans are heading to Qatar with plans to party and celebrate, they’re going to have to make some other plans.


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