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Roaring engines, insane sounds of cars whipping around a track and the smell of gasoline — it is all part of the NASCAR fan experience. However, if Bill Nye “the science guy” has its way, most of that will change.

In an op-ed posted to Aeon Magazine, Nye envisions a world in which NASCAR eschews gasoline for all-electric cars of tomorrow.

But beyond the heart-pounding, Are-these-cars-going-to-jump-the-barrier-and-kill-me? exciting quality of it (a NASCAR race), it’s depressing – leastways depressing for me as an engineer. Because here I am trying to envision the smart, efficient transportation technology of tomorrow, and there is NASCAR doing the opposite – celebrating a very old transportation technology of yesterday.

That technology of tomorrow Nye is speaking of? All-electric cars.

According to Nye’s op-ed there is scientific reason to believe that NASCAR would actually become faster and more energy efficient at the same time. Nye points out the all-electric Tesla Model S and its performance as a car out for general consumption versus what NASCAR stock cars produce.

Nye also envisions a world where gas cans are eschewed for pit crews that replace battery packs on a ramp.

Yes, no more smell of gasoline or the roar of big engines pumping insane RPM’s to listen too. Instead, Nye envisions a future with the silence of a Prius, just still going a lot faster.

I’m saying racing should be about the future rather than the past. How about NASCAR becoming NESCAR (National Electric Stock Car Racing)? The sooner NASCAR (or NESCAR) embraces electric drive trains, the sooner the US can be the world leader in automotive technology, and the sooner we can stop pumping carbon dioxide into the air every time we want to go somewhere to get groceries, pick up the soccer team, commute to work or watch a race.

None of this should be surprising coming from Nye though, as he is one of the most out-spoken personalities on the issue of climate change.

It is highly unlike NASCAR is going to listen though, at least for the foreseeable future. Technology hopes of tomorrow simply aren’t today’s realities just yet. Perhaps NASCAR helps lead the way in changing technologies, but don’t expect it to jump before it’s a proven and reliable alternative to what has made it sport to popular.

[Washington Times]

About Andrew Coppens

Andy is a contributor to The Comeback as well as Publisher of Big Ten site talking10. He also is a member of the FWAA and has been covering college sports since 2011. Andy is an avid soccer fan and runs the Celtic FC site The Celtic Bhoys. If he's not writing about sports, you can find him enjoying them in front of the TV with a good beer!