If you want to see a photo of Stone Cold’s messed-up elbow, give me a “hell yeah!”
Steve Austin, a WWE and pro wrestling legend, has no doubt been through a number of medical examinations over the years. This one seems like something out of the ordinary. Austin shared an image of his elbow, which appears to have a lump the size of a golf ball sticking out of it.
“I bent down to pick up a weight and I used my left arm, and my [expletive] left arm didn’t wanna bend. And I’m like ‘man, what the [expletive]’s wrong with my arm?’ So I grabbed my left arm with my right hand, and it’s like someone had buried a golf ball in my elbow.”
Be warned, this is a little bit disturbing for some…
In 3….
Yep, that looks pretty nasty. The formation is the result of olecranon bursitis, which Stone Cold described on his podcast to be fairly common for pro wrestlers.
“You know, back in the day, when I was in the game of pro wrestling, when I was first starting out – or hell, it could be any time – try and make a flat-back landing and sometimes your elbows just bang into that mat and you bust that bursa sac. Virtually all the boys who ever come up in the business have that tennis ball elbow as you go through the paces, because it kinda comes with the territory.”
I think at this point it is safe to say Steve Austin is a tougher SOB than I’ll ever be, I take no shame in saying that. I imagine he can put a couple Steveweisers on that SOB and have good laugh about it though.
And that’s the bottom line…