The United Nations tried to do a good thing by making the fictional character of Wonder Woman an honorary ambassador, but calls for her removal from the position have been heard and responded to. Wonder Woman has been stripped of her honorary role following criticisms about her image as a “white, skimpily dressed American prone to violence.”

Wonder Woman was originally appointed this role roughly two months ago in an attempt to promote empowerment of women and girls. The short-sighted problem that was missed was the UN’s mission to resolve international issues and rule without having to resort to violence. Wonder Woman is known for taking names and kicking ass, so that is a bit of a problem. Then again, how many young girls and women have looked up to Wonder Woman for years as their reason to believe they can fit in alongside the Supermen and Batmen of the world?

“It’s ending because it’s ending. And it was always meant to end,” U.N. spokesman Jeffrey A. Brez told The Associated Press. “The objective was to reach out to Wonder Woman’s fans and I think we did a great job of that.”

Unfortunately, even though this was just a make-believe position at its core, people did not take kindly to it. As so often happens when people are getting angry over things, an online petition was started and soon enough, over 44,000 people signed it asking for the appointment to be reconsidered.

And so it comes to an end. Wonder Woman may be enjoying a nice revival in the Hollywood spotlight with her debut in the DC cinematic universe in Batman V. Superman and her own upcoming solo film, but the UN will no longer have her as an honorary ambassador.

[Associated Press]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.