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Toby Kebbell, the actor who played supervillain Dr. Doom in Fantastic Four, claims that somewhere out there, there’s a great cut of the film.

The 2015 film didn’t work at all. What was supposed to be a fresh version of Marvel’s first superhero team was a complete nightmare both on and off the set. The film was marred with studio interference as director Josh Trank’s alleged bizarre behavior didn’t help the project, as 20th Century Fox decided to do massive third act reshoots. Trank dissed the film on Twitter right before it was to be released which helped it bomb at the box office. It was also heavily panned by critics. It’s safe to say that the production of the film was an utter shitshow.

Still, I’m curious what Trank’s Fantastic Four, his version, not the half-assed reshot version, would look like. Kebbell told The Daily Beast that the initial cut was “great” and that we’ll never likely see the original cut of the film.

“I tell you, the honest truth is [Trank] did cut a great film that you’ll never see,” he said. “That is a shame. A much darker version, and you’ll never see it.”

It’s a shame we’ll never get to see what Trank’s intention was with the characters. He wanted to make a Fantastic Four movie David Cronenberg-style, which probably doesn’t work — but we’ll never get to see the full concept realized, as Fox butchered the final act to pieces. I mean, look at this crap.

Kebbell’s suggest there’s a better cut of the film somewhere out there, and there kind of has to be. But, considering how messy some of the scenes Trank shot were and how off the tone of the film was, I highly doubt it was great. Though it would be cool to see a Fantastic Four movie that was actually, you know, fantastic.

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About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com