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At this point in time, it should be considered fair game to discuss the ending of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. With that in mind, you may be pleased to know the next chapter in the Disney-branded Star Wars saga will reportedly pick up immediately from where we left off with Rey meeting the one and only Luke Skywalker.

Disney has started showing footage of this year’s scheduled Star Wars release, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and while the masses may not have been fortunate to see any full preview footage yet, the reports seem to suggest there will be some good teases to come. There could be some changes between now and the release of the film of course, so keep that in mind as these reports start to come out, but Luke apparently questions our newest aspiring Jedi who she is.

There are already plenty of rumors and speculation about the connection between Rey and Luke, and odds are we will dig deeper into Luke’s backstory since Return of the Jedi in the upcoming chapter of the main Star Wars story. Perhaps we will also learn some more about Rey, who was a rising star in The Force Awakens. Are the two actually connected other than the fact they both have the ability to use the force?

Of course, the early footage for Episode 8 also contains some other familiar faces, including the late Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa.

What remains unknown is how exactly the Star Wars storytellers at Disney will handle the recent passing of Fisher, who was supposed to play a key role in the upcoming Episode 8 as well as in Episode 9.

“Carrie Fisher has been an iconic part in this franchise from the very beginning,” Walt Disney chairman and chief executive Bob Iger said at the annual shareholder meeting that saw the first looks of the new Star Wars film unveiled. “We all miss her. She has great talent and wit. We’re proud that this movie coming up is part of her legacy.”

I tend to trust the storytellers responsible for handling the Star Wars franchise will find a respectful way to handle the character of Leia in response to Fisher’s passing. As for this movie though, it is time to start wondering just when we may see a trailer for the December release. A new Star Wars trailer could be expected by May 5, when Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theaters. Did you notice the date of that release for the Disney-owned movie property? It is one day after May 4th. Just circle that one on your calendars.

[Los Angeles Times]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.