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If you’re like me and follow Saturday Night Live’s Facebook page, you’ve noticed a steady stream of Donald Trump supporters demanding writer Katie Rich get fired for posting a dumb tweet. Now, SNL’s taken action against Rich.

Rich tweeted “Barron [Trump] will be this country’s first home-school shooter,” earlier last week.

The tweet was bad.

Making fun of Trump is fair game, but calling his 10-year-old-son a school shooter crossed the line. It’s an edgy joke gone too far. Rich deleted her Twitter account, later reactivating to issue an apology, calling the tweet “inexcusable.”

The Hollywood Reporter reported Rich, who’s worked on SNL as a Weekend Update writer since 2013, was suspended indefinitely after the tweet.

It’s hard to blame SNL for suspending Rich. While it was a bad tweet that I don’t think was anything more than an edgy joke, it crossed the line and became a huge headache to deal with. Suspending Rich will hopefully give those demanding her punishment some sense of justice. Rich is quite talented, but next time she should probably think about the potential repercussions about making such a bad, Trump-focused tweet.

I agree with the suspension, but I wish the president of the United States was held to the same standard. His tweets are just as abhorrent at times as Rich’s was.

[Hollywood Reporter]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com