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A hidden camera advertisement for the upcoming horror film Rings might end up being scarier than the film itself.

Marketers for Rings decided to pull a hidden camera trick on unsuspecting people. They set up multiple TVs and told people to look at them, asking what they thought out the quality of the screens. They’re shown advertisements for the movie, while secretly, one of the TV’s has Samara (the main antagonist from The Ring series) pop up inside a screen and jump out to seriously scare people.

Turning around seeing the supernatural child come to life is terrifying enough. If you’ve watched any of The Ring films, you know that after you watch her on a screen, you die. So, the reactions are warranted. If someone pulled that kind of stunt around me, I’d belch a high-pitch scream and run for my life. Congratulations to those who were terrified and managed to somewhat keep their composure. Hopefully, they got a free TV out of the stunt.

The advertisements received 65 million views (and counting) on Facebook, with more views adding to the tally on other social media networks. Whether you think it was scary or not, it was a success. Although, given the quality of The Ring movies, I’d bet the ad will ultimately be more memorable and frightening the film itself.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com

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