Lost’s final episode is widely considered among the most polarizing series finales in television history — featuring magical wells, alternative realities (sort of) and epic face-offs. But, the closing chapter could have been even crazier according to former Lost executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof.

**Spoilers for a series that ended seven years ago, are below** 

Nearly a decade ago, Lost ended with Jack and the remaining survivor’s facing off against the “Man in Black” after the heart of the island was uncorked, causing chaos and destruction within.

After successfully fending off the smoke monster, Jack dies as the remaining survivors (who don’t want to be there) fly off the island. Meanwhile, our protagonists transform from the flash-sideways into the light — bringing the phrase “see you in another life,” to fruition.

Well, Lindelof and Cuse intended the ending to go out with even more of a bang than what fans got. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly’s Jeff Jensen, they revealed they wanted the final battle between Jack and the MIB to happen in a volcano, with magma erupting everywhere.

[Cuse] thought it would be cool if The Island had a volcano of its own. “We were always looking to cannibalize anything on Hawaii to aid in the visual storytelling of the show,” says Cuse. “We also thought of the island as a character on the show, so we were always looking for things that would give it more personality.” He didn’t have an idea of how the volcano could be used, “but it was something we banked and thought we could use downstream.”

Furthermore, Cuse and Lindelof even hinted at the volcanic ending. A season three episode focused on a young Benjamin Linus on the island, there was a scene featuring a teacher showing youngsters about volcanoes.

photo via AV Club

According to the duo, the season six episode “Across the Sea” would have featured Jacob and MIB’s origin story happening in a volcano, instead of at the heart of the island cave.

The idea never came to fruition due to budgetary concerns regarding transportation. Lindelof and Cuse both admitted to Jensen that it was probably for the best.

You know what? I agree with the call. Taking the more allegorical approach to solving the island’s biggest questions was, at the time, somewhat frustrating. But it helped the long-term re-watchability of the series. I’ve rewatched it 13 times. A raging volcano would have helped increase the spectacle of the finale, but might have been too distracting.

Instead, despite a lack of volcanoes,The End” proved to be more than satisfactory conclusion. Lindelof and Cuse made the right decision even if their hand was forced.

Time to rewatch Lost, again.

[AV Club]

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About Liam McGuire

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