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Doc Brown famously claimed that the DeLorean could break the time-space continuum, allowing for traveling back in time in Back to the Future.

Of course, this led 55-year-old Nigel Mills, a native of Essex, England, to take his DeLorean out for a ride. Ironically, he was clocked for speeding at 88 mph, the speed at which the DeLorean could break the time-space continuum. Unfortunately for Mills, the only thing that resulted from going 88 mph was a speeding ticket.

Mills paid £22,000 for the DeLorean, and denied that he was trying to travel back in time, as told by The Guardian:

“I wasn’t trying to time travel,” said Mills, despite his top speed being recorded as 89mph, heading north on the A12 near Margaretting. “It was at 11am on Sunday and the road was completely clear.”

Luckily for Mills, the two officers who clocked him for speeding didn’t show up to the court date. He’s definitely got to sort out this time traveling thing though, right?

Not to mention, with Nike finally coming through on Air Mags, he’s certainly got to get a pair to match the DeLorean. It’s only right.

[The Guardian]

About Harry Lyles Jr.

Harry Lyles Jr. is an Atlanta-based writer, and a Georgia State University graduate.