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Kevin Smith is taking the View Askewniverse in a new direction.

In a lengthy Facebook post, the director of Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Mallrats revealed future plans for his film universe. Smith admitted much-coveted sequels to Mallrats and the third Clerks film had been canned for various reasons and that Jay and Silent Bob were getting a new installment.

“And so all last month, I had the time of my life laughing while writing “Jay and Silent Bob Reboot” – a fun flick in which the Jersey boys have to go back to Hollywood to stop a brand new reboot of the old “Bluntman & Chronic Movie” they hated so much. It’s a tongue-in-cheek, silly-ass satire that pokes fun at the movie business’s recent re-do obsession, featuring an all-star cast of cameos and familiar faces!”

Essentially, Smith’s reboot will be a meta-commentary on the state of reboots in Hollywood. That sounds like it could be a lot of fun. With that said, I was anxiously awaiting a third Clerks sequel. It’s a bummer Smith and his cast couldn’t work it out to make it happen.

It will be fascinating to see Smith return to familiar characters. In recent years, his projects have yielded mixed results. Yoga Hosers was a complete disaster critically. But, his work on The Flash and Supergirl were positively received.

Perhaps going back to familiar faces through social commentary will make this non-reboot reboot a success.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com