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If you’re wondering where the Night’s Watch gets their flowing furs on Game of Thrones, you’re in for a bit of a surprise. They are of Scandinavian origin, which makes sense, given their use in the frigid temperatures near the Wall. But they’re not anything close to real fur.

Rather, they’re rugs from IKEA, cut up and artificially weathered to look like they’ve spent time in the long winter.

That was according to the show’s costume designer, Michelle Clapton, who actually revealed the information in a discussion last year, although people didn’t really pick up on it until last week.

“We cut and we shaved them, and then we added strong leather straps and then breakdown, which is like a religion on Game Of Thrones,” Clapton told a crowd at Los Angeles’ Getty Museum, referring to the industry process of making things look worn and tired, presumably by having them shop at IKEA. “I want the audience to almost smell the costumes,” she added. To achieve this effect, Clapton has my old roommate James over to spill a bong on them.

Sensing an opportunity, IKEA just released a series of instructions on how to turn one of their rugs into a Game of Thrones costume, which means there are going to be quite a few Brothers of the Night’s Watch heading to Halloween parties near you in a few months.

It sounds relatively simple, too, although those are famous last words for anyone staring down at a sheet of IKEA instructions:

As for which rugs specifically to target, there are a few options, though Mashable zeroed in on the Skold model.

And hey, though it is just August now, it’s important to remember that for much of the country, winter is indeed coming. So why not go to IKEA and buy a rug, cut it up a bit, and wear it like a cape this year? Do you have a good reason not to, at this point?

[AV Club]

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.