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There’s a great episode of How I Met Your Mother where the gang wonders how old is too old to go to the club. However old Marshall is in the show, he discovers he is probably too old for the club.

After some very intense scientific research, one scientist has determined that if Marshall was younger than 37, he probably wasn’t too old for the club. That’s right, 37 years old is the age at which you are officially “too old” to go to a nightclub.

According to the Yorkshire Evening Post, researchers looked into social lives in the United Kingdom to come up with their conclusion. Their findings concluded that at 37, you’re too old to go clubbing and that at 31 you begin to prefer staying in over going out.

Matt Walburn is the Brand and Communications Director of Currys PC World and understood why the findings came to this conclusion.

“Technology is a big lure of staying in and our findings show how it’s transformed home habits, with Brits proudly investing in their households more than ever before,” Walburn said. “It’s now almost impossible to get bored at home, with endless box sets and the latest technology, such as 4K TV, enhancing the in-house experience, so much, that it often surpasses its ‘outdoor’ equivalent.

“That coupled with social media, online shopping, and gaming with pals often means more pleasure can be had on a night IN than a night out.”

The research discovered that the expense of going out to clubs was the main excuse for six out of ten “unsociable Brits.” On top of money being a big deterrent, 29% of people surveyed said they didn’t want to deal with a hangover. Here were some other interesting findings:

  • 46% “dread” nights out
  • 14% didn’t want to deal with the “unpredictable weather” when going out
  • 22% didn’t want to dress up
  • 12% resented having to get a babysitter
  • 21% didn’t want to have to book a taxi
  • 13% of women said their feet hurt from high heels
  • 46% said they love staying in comfortable night-in clothes
  • 44% said they want to sit on the couch for hours instead
  • 37% said it’s tragic to see 40 to 50-year-old adults in a bar with 20-year-olds

All of those are annoying things to deal with, except for the staying in and wearing comfortable clothes. So it’s hard to blame people for feeling that way.

Another interesting number that emerged from the study was eight in 10 adults surveyed said they “feel relieved” when they are spending the night in and see people posting pictures of them out together.

The funniest piece of information that came out of the study, however, was that 14% of participants said that when they have friends over, their favorite thing to do is stalk people on Facebook. Double that number and 28% of respondents love to play computer games.

Let the countdown to 37 begin!

[Yorkshire Evening Post]

About David Lauterbach

David is a writer for The Comeback. He enjoyed two Men's Basketball Final Four trips for Syracuse before graduating in 2016. If The Office or Game of Thrones is on TV, David will be watching.