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Are you a fan of watching Frank Underwood being shady, breaking the fourth wall and obtaining power no matter what the cost? If you’ve answered yes, here’s some good news. House of Cards season four is now available to stream on Netflix.

The show is about politician Frank Underwood’s rise to political power and is ever relevant given the political climate in the United States. House of Cards isn’t exactly a realistic interpretation of US politics as it can be ridiculous, but it does attempt to engage viewers in the political process. Yes, there’s plenty of murder, proverbial back-stabbing and emotionless expressions, but House of Cards does do its best to stay rooted in political drama, despite preposterously soapy character motives.

Whether you love or hate House of Cards, when rolling through this—or any—Netflix series remember to use proper binging etiquette:

  • Just because you can finish all 13 episodes in one day, doesn’t mean other people can. If you want to talk about the show, be mindful that not everyone is caught up. Don’t spoil it.
  • You don’t have to wait 13 weeks to talk about a drama like you would if it was on TV, but a few weeks before you talk about anything after the first two or three episodes would be fair and respectful.
  • If you watch shows with your partner, don’t cheat on them and skip ahead when they’re not around. A good relationship binges together.
  • Don’t be afraid to take a break. The newest episode of Orange is the New Black will still be there after you get some fresh air after eight consecutive hours of binging… but another episode wouldn’t hurt.
  • If you are not a binger, or planned to binge multiple seasons at once, do not be mad at people for discussing past episodes, or at least the happenings of the first few of the new season. It’s not their fault you waited three years to start.

Netflix has been bringing the content recently, with Fuller House, Love and now House of Cards dropping in the last two weeks. In the coming weeks it’s only going to get more exciting, as new seasons of DaredevilUnbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and a new Pee-Wee Herman movie are set to drop.

With so many options, don’t forget to binge smart and responsibly.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com