Agent Carter doesn’t approve of Captain America and Sharon Carter hooking up.

One of the strangest, shoehorned-in aspects of Captain America: Civil War was the brief romance plot between Peggy Carter’s great-niece Sharon (Emily Van Camp) and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). The romance was teased in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the two share an on-screen kiss in the sequel. Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson were happy for their friend, but given the bloodline of Sharon and her great aunt’s past relationship with Rogers, the burgeoning romance is kind of weird.

Hayley Atwell, who played Peggy Carter on the now-canceled Agent Carter, was at Dallas Comic Con Fan Expo this past weekend, where she joked the romance was disrespectful and that she’d kick Steve’s ass if she knew.

“Well, first of all she’d be turning over in her grave. She’d be like “no.” And she’d inject herself with the blue serum and become a super villain. She’d break out of her coffin and ground [Sharon]. She’d ground her. Then she’d kick Steve’s ass as well.”

I just feel that, you know – I wouldn’t want to date my great aunt’s guy. It just feels like it crosses an incestuous boundary. And Peggy just died. That’s even more disrespectful, right? It’s like, “don’t touch that.” You can’t tap that!”

She’s got a point. Peggy passed away at the age of 95 in Civil War and Rogers responds by getting romantically involved with her relative. It’s sort of icky.

I know Captain America doesn’t have many things that connect him to his old timeline, but the romance was slightly off-putting, even if it’s true to the Marvel Comics storylines. Sharon does share a romance with Steve in multiple comic iterations, but the timeline is slightly different.

Agent Carter calls it like she sees it, which is a big reason why she succeeded in her espionage career and became a memorable character for fans. And in this case, she’s right. Carter was Steve’s one true love and by getting involved with Sharon, it’s disrespectful to her memory.

If Steve and Sharon ever have kids, good luck to him in explaining how he was once involved with their great, great aunt. Maybe he can have Bucky do it instead.


About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing.