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Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, aka Game of Thrones‘ “The Mountain,” is known for feats of strength such as throwing kegs and washing machines. But the hulking sensation recently decided to test his mettle against professional arm wrestler Devon Larratt and the match ended in surprising fashion.

Björnsson, a strongman capable of amazing displays of power, went arm-to-arm with the two-time World Arm Wrestling League Champion. Despite having almost 200 pounds on Larratt (and a shoulder bigger than his head), Björnsson was easily defeated by the champ.

To be fair to Björnsson, he’s not a professional arm wrestler, despite his massive pipes and shear strength. Larratt, even with the weight differential, has the advantage of training and participating in competitions. His technique (and huge muscles of his own) are capable of putting down anyone without pro experience, even the frickin’ Mountain.

“The Mountain” took the loss with ease. He likely knew he was facing a world-class arm wrestler and wanted to see if he could simply overpower him. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Larratt has an arm of steel capable of taking down Westeros’ strongest men. Thankfully for Björnsson, this wasn’t a battle for the Iron Throne, but a simple friendly to test how far he could get against a pro.

Seeing “The Mountain” get defeated shouldn’t give anyone a false sense of confidence. Björnsson is still a ridiculous physical specimen capable of amazing feats of power.

[A.V. Club]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com