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The third season of Fargo, FX’s awesome anthology series, premieres on April 19th. Since that’s four weeks from today, FX released the first full trailer for the season, which we haven’t learned much about in recent weeks and months.

Season three will feature Ewan McGregor (playing a pair of brothers who aren’t twins), Carrie Coon of The Leftovers, and Jim Gaffigan, among many others. But while this trailer helped satiate our appetite leading into the third season, we still don’t know a damn thing about the overall storyline, aside from the fact that it takes place in 2010.

It seems like McGregor will be feuding with himself in his role as the Stussy brothers, Emmit and Ray, while Coon’s character, Gloria Burgle, is involved in some sort of drug ring.

(that “frozen orange juice concentrate” line absolutely cracked me up, by the way)

As for what else? We’ll see. The first two seasons of Fargo were brilliant, and played out in a very deliberate, gripping manner. If season three is the same, the overall storyline could revolve around just about anything and I would be interested.


About Joe Lucia

I hate your favorite team. I also sort of hate most of my favorite teams.