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Ewan McGregor thinks people who dislike a gay character being in the upcoming Beauty and the Beast live adaptation should get with the times.

Appearing on The Late Show, McGregor (who plays Lumiere in the film) didn’t mince words when discussing blow back towards the film’s decision to make Le Fou (played by Josh Gad) gay.

Update, July 2021: This video has been removed.

First, McGregor joked about the decision.

“There’s lots of gay of sex in it…there’s A LOT of gay sex in this cartoon. And I think if you live anywhere near Alabama, you should not go and see this film. What would Jesus think?”

Then, he told the straight up truth.

“It’s just like…he’s a gay character. It’s 2017 for f*cks sake.”

You might be thinking, “are people really upset about Le Fou being gay?” Unfortunately, the sad answer is, yes.

Stupidly, some people are boycotting the movie due to their own beliefs. One Christian mom canceled a $6,000 trip to Disneyland because of the decision – which is a tremendous waste of money for something so trivial. Furthermore, Beauty and the Beast was shelved in Malaysia due to homosexuality scenes being forbidden.

It’s hard not to agree with McGregor’s stance. Making a character gay doesn’t change the story. Instead, it adds depth to a character without much of it to begin with in the first place. As McGregor said, it’s 2017. Gay people exist, just like they have existed for thousands of years. Changing a minor character’s sexual orientation should be applauded, not condemned.

Gad, who plays Le Fou, told People Magazine the decision was made to offer inclusiveness.

“What I would say is that this film is one of inclusiveness,” Gad told People. “It’s one that has something to offer everyone.”

If you’re offended by Le Fou being attracted to men, I suggest you grow up and rethink your view on the subject. It’s a smart, tasteful decision.

Beauty and the Beast opens across North America, March 16.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com