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In an effort to raise money for a charitable organization called Sport Relief, comedian Eddie Izzard is in the midst of running 27 marathons in 27 days.

Izzard is running in South Africa, with each day of his marathon symbolizing a year former president Nelson Mandela spent in prison. His marathon of marathons saw him start by crossing the Mbashe River, and will see him end March 20 at the Union Buildings.

This isn’t the first time Izzard tested his limits, as back in 2009 he completed a ridiculous 43 marathons and 51 days.

Izzard told the BBC that his journey will be easier once he gets into a mental groove.

“The first 10 are always the hardest, but then your body and your brain gets used to it so it gets easier,” he told the BBC.

“What I’m doing is not particularly special here, other people have done more crazy things,” he said.

Dr Francois-Xavier Li from Birgmingham University told the BBC that exerting so much enegery can be dangerous biologically, and that Izzard is taking risks by running so much.

“Swelling is possible. You can grind your teeth and so on, but at some point you have to make a decision: ‘Am I ready to risk permanent damage to achieve the goal I have set for myself?’ It’s not just a joke, there are realistic risks involved.”

The-54-year-old will face some tough challenges along the way, and the grind is physically daunting, but the gesture is worthy of praise for raising money for a good cause. How many of us could one run marathon in 27 days? The fact he’s attempting to do one each day is baffling.


About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com