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CBS is attempting to *deafening laugh track* cash-in on one of their most popular *deafening laugh track* characters, as Variety reports the network is developing *deafening laugh track* a young Sheldon Cooper Big Bang Theory spin-off.

Reports suggest CBS is developing a script to milk the Big Bang Theory for all it’s worth. The show will feature the upbringing of the lovable asshole genius in Texas, which has been alluded to heavily throughout the show. CBS’s nerd-riddled series is the most popular comedy on television – so it comes to little surprise the network wants to cash in further on popularity. Jim Parsons, who plays the iconic character, will executive produce along with Big Bang creator Chuck Lorre and showrunner Steve Molaro.

As Variety notes, Big Bang Theory is getting expensive to produce, with Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, and Johnny Galecki all earning $1 million per episode. By spinning off the IP, CBS can use the characters popularity at a relatively cheap price. It’s a no-brainer as nauseating at the series would be.

Spin-offs of popular characters or themes don’t always go the Frasier route and become just as good, if not better, than the series it came from. For every Frasier, there’s a million shows like Joey, AfterMASH, or Law & Order: LA. If a young Sheldon Cooper series makes it to air, its success, despite the popular character, isn’t guaranteed.


About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com