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Bob Dylan was named the Nobel Prize winner for Literature last week, but Dylan is not responding to calls from the Swedish Academy. Is he too busy sharing his Nobel Prize-winning lyrics with fans, or is he simply not interested in attending the Nobel Prize ceremony?

The world may never know.

“We have stopped trying — we said everything we needed to his manager and friend, he knows about us being eager having confirmation from him, but we haven’t heard anything back,” Odd Zschiedrich, the administrative director of the Swedish Academy, told CNN on Tuesday. “We will have the ceremony as usual, he will have the prize even if he is not there. Now we are just waiting for information.”

At this point, the Swedish Academy has exhausted all of their energy trying to contact the pop culture icon and newly-named Nobel Prize winner. Perhaps Dylan will make a grand entrance at the Nobel Prize ceremony, as any star musician would probably do anyway. Of course, Dylan is a rare breed and lives by his own style. Maybe he is flattered by the Nobel Prize award. Maybe he doesn’t care about it. Because he has not made contact with anyone about it, we are all simply left to guess what is going through the singer’s head.

But if Dylan is not going to show up to receive his Nobel Prize, I’d be happy to do the honor if anyone from the Swedish Academy happens to be reading this.


About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.