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Chris Rose shares how he got 'Best Damn Sports Show Period' hosting job

You might not have realized it, but there’s an important election going on right now.

Oh, sure, the entire American political system and therefore the leadership of the most powerful country in the world is up for grabs, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Rather, behold the Washington Capitals bobblehead election, wherein fans could vote for which bobblehead will be given away on March 21st:

I’d probably rather vote for bobbleheads, at this point. That’s not a bad skit, all things considered, and points for timeliness and relatively topical humor, although Castaway did come out 16 years ago.

[h/t The Score]

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.