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The Bagel Store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn doesn’t place themselves in a box when it comes to the colors of their bagels. And in advance of Friday’s pivotal Game 4 between the hometown Islanders and the Tampa Bay Lightning, The Bagel Store cooked up a tasty Islanders themed tweet:

As someone who has eaten bagels for years, I gotta say this is something I gotta get used to. I see something in those colors and I expect to taste sugar. But I guess I have to adjust my preconceived notions of what a bagel is supposed to look like. They are all doughy goodness on the inside, right?

As for Neil Best, who took the picture you see, he got to bring some back to the press room when they were done:

The perks of the job.

About Food And Sports

We're here to track the delicious and bizarre at sporting events all over the country. It doesn't have to have bacon to be spectacular. But it helps.