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No player likes going to the penalty box. It means you’ve done something wrong and you’re now paying for that infraction. A lot of the time you’ll also draw ire from the fans in the stands.

That’s exactly what happened this past Saturday night during a junior league game in Canada between the Southern Sting and Grand Lake Moose.,

A Moose player left the penalty box, climbed over the glass, and started to brawl with some Sting fans. He was apparently angered by what was said to him in the stands.


It even got so bad that police intervention was needed to break it up. Sgt. Steve Wilson spoke to CTV News about the incident:

“Order was restored and the crowd dispersed,” he said. “It’s not a typical thing to have police respond to a hockey game.”

How does the joke go? I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out. This seems to be the literal case here. No charges were filed at the time of the incident.

The Sting tried to take to social media to calm every one down. They decided to calm their followers down by… blaming social media itself?

It’s a bold strategy and it doesn’t look like it is going to pay off for them. What a silly way to approach this. It makes sense why they wouldn’t want to admit any fault. Legal ramifications still may be coming their way.

This definitely doesn’t help the image of hockey and it brings the sport back to an almost Neanderthal-like time. No one comes away from this smelling like roses.

[SB Nation]

About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at sblaze17@gmail.com