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Titans cornerback Logan Ryan is a millionaire, thanks to his football career, but he knows that he’s lucky. His brother has $82,000 in student loans.

So as a birthday present, Ryan paid off his brother’s loans.


In addition to doing a good deed for his brother, Ryan also spoke against the student loan system that has crippled so many young people trying to get on their feet after college. People often think that college is a worthwhile investment, regardless of the cost, but often times, even the best personal loans for bad credit can hurt even the people who do land good jobs.

It’s always helpful when NFL players do good deeds and stand up for good causes. Ryan just did both at once.

[Pro Football Talk]

About Kevin Trahan

Kevin mostly covers college football and college basketball, with an emphasis on NCAA issues and other legal issues in sports. He is also an incoming law student. He's written for SB Nation, USA Today, VICE Sports, The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal, among others. He is a graduate of Northwestern University.