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The Los Angeles Chargers are only a couple of days old, and they have already changed their logo on Twitter three separate times. Just how big of a disaster has it really been?

The first iteration of the logo was roasted all over Twitter until it looked like they just gave into the public outcry for them to change it. Many people pointed out that it looked awfully similar to the baseball team in town, the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Apparently a change in color is what they thought was needed, and decided to show off their patented baby blue and yellow colors to make it slightly better.

Even after the change, the insults and jokes still were flying in and they decided to take it another step further by getting rid of the original design and revert to something without the bolt in it.

It strikes me as peculiar that they changed their logo on Twitter so many times. They even came out and said that the original design was just something that would be for the day of the release.

On Twitter, backlash is normal; no one particularly likes change or anything new. The Chargers seem to be extra sensitive to the reaction from the general public, when in reality, the consumers of their product wouldn’t care about the logo either way. The people that are supporting this team are going to support them no matter what. A professional sports organization should be able to take a little bit of criticism and move on.

About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at sblaze17@gmail.com