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Colin Kaepernick took a bold political stance protesting the U.S. National Anthem in the fight against the countries “oppression of black people.” His protest has drawn both praise and criticism from just about everybody, and now, the President of the United States is weighing in on the controversy.

Speaking at the G20 economic summit in China, Obama called Kaepernick’s actions “messy” but defended his rights to express himself under the constitution.

“Sometimes that’s messy and controversial and gets people angry and frustrated. But I’d rather have young people that are engaged in the argument and trying to think through how they can be part of our democratic process than people just sitting on the sidelines not participating at all.”

Obama didn’t lean towards supporting or disavowing Kaepernick’s movement, as the commander-in-chief likely doesn’t want to choose a side. Especially, considering the backlash from police and military.

Meanwhile, Kaepernick’s protest has boosted his jersey sales dramatically. There was an initial spike in sales following his protest, but according to Darren Rovell of ESPN.com, the 28-year-old now has the best-selling jersey among San Francisco 49ers:

Many people, including the President, are engaged with his message. Whether or not you agree with Kaepernick’s stance, you can’t deny his protest is making a difference.

[Yahoo Sports]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com