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Peyton Manning is seemingly enjoying retirement.

The legendary quarterback, who played with the Indianapolis Colts and the Denver Broncos over 18 NFL seasons, was at a bar in Nashville and decided to test his singing chops.

Wearing a full suit, the possibly hammered Manning decided to sing the Osborne Brothers’ classic “Rocky Top”.

As ESPN notes, this wasn’t any normal karaoke session, as Manning was joined on stage with Grammy nominees Lee Brice and Shay Mooney, of the country duo Dan + Shay.

Still, not even Grammy-nominated artists could make Manning’s singing tolerable. His vocal delivery is a bit tone-deaf as his singing voice is basically him talking, but louder. The future Hall of Famer won’t have a second career as a country singer.

But, that’s all fine. Karaoke isn’t the place for criticism. Manning is just like us: Who hasn’t had a couple of brews at a bar and decided to be a hero and sing some karaoke despite knowing singing in public is the last thing you should be doing? That’s what makes it so fun. A little bit of liquid courage goes a long way. Manning’s used to being under pressure in front of thousands of fans, so what’s a room full of bar patrons?

Manning’s just cutting loose and having some fun. But, we can all take solace in knowing that he’s just like us and likes to sing karaoke poorly.

[NBC Sports]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com