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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or don’t watch football on Sundays, you’ve seen the Nationwide commercials with Peyton Manning. He’s arguably the one player over the past decade who has done the most marketing in the league.

One of Manning’s most famous commercial lines is, “Chicken parm you taste so good,” to the Nationwide jingle in one of his ads shown below:


The jingle is kinda corny after hearing Manning turning it into a bunch of different phrases, but it was definitely a great marketing strategy. It’s easy to remember, and Manning is (now) the old dad-type, who you could see doing this type of thing.

So before the Broncos took off for Santa Clara for Super Bowl 50, the team appropriately ate some chicken parm as their pre-departure meal, because what else would they eat, right?

I think most people like chicken parm, but the hilarity of Peyton Manning and his team eating it before their flight to prepare for the Super Bowl is awesome. The jingle has been used to mock Manning on Sundays more recently on Twitter, but this is the appropriate amount of fun to have with it.

Hopefully it doesn’t weigh them down, as they’ll need to be in top condition, as they prepare for the Carolina Panthers and Cam Newton. And who knows, maybe chicken parm was the missing ingredient for the Broncos the last time they appeared in the Super Bowl.

H/T New York Daily News

About Harry Lyles Jr.

Harry Lyles Jr. is an Atlanta-based writer, and a Georgia State University graduate.