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Usually when we cover tattoos on this website, it’s a story about a fan who got an incredibly premature championship tattoo.

Well this time, this story isn’t about a premature championship tattoo. Instead, a New England Patriots fan celebrated his team’s recent Super Bowl win with a tattoo of Tom Brady…on his butt.

The tattooing of Brady’s face of the fan’s bottom occurred on the same day as the Patriots’ parade through Boston. The location was Boston Barber & Tattoo Co., which reportedly has had a lot of fans come through to get celebratory tattoos. But this one tattoo was different.

“He had decided the night before that he was getting this done,” Emily Arsenault, who works at the shop, told Boston.com. “It wasn’t just spur of the moment. We had quite a few obnoxious people coming in, intoxicated from the parade. But he was actually probably the most calm one out of all of them.”

So maybe this wasn’t spur of the moment as Arsenault claims. This fan really wanted to have Brady on his backside for eternity.

“He just came in and said, ‘I’m seeing if I could get a tattoo. I wanted to get a portrait of Tom Brady on my left butt-cheek,’” Arsenault said. “And we were just like, ‘OK, let’s do it.’”

Well then. That right there is dedication.

“I think he was up there for two to three hours getting it done,” Arsenault said.

The thing is, by getting it on his butt, the fan won’t be able to show it off unless mid-conversation he’s willing to drop his pants and moon those around him.

“We got a few pictures,” Arsenault said. “He was proud of it and showed it off. He wasn’t scared. He was like, ‘Oh, you want to take a picture of my butt? Go for it!’”

“There was a lot going on, people coming in and out trying to get Patriots tattoos,” Arsenault said. “He was kind of more of a priority because he was getting a cool tattoo.”

A tattoo of a city’s beloved quarterback on someone’s butt is now considered cool. You know that Billy Madison line about peeing in your pants? Well, if getting a tattoo of Tom Brady on your butt is cool, then this guy is Miles Davis.

“This one, by far, stands out the most in any category,” she said. “Any butt tattoo is going to stand out, but the fact that he got Tom Brady just makes it awesome.

Oh Boston.


About David Lauterbach

David is a writer for The Comeback. He enjoyed two Men's Basketball Final Four trips for Syracuse before graduating in 2016. If The Office or Game of Thrones is on TV, David will be watching.