at Gillette Stadium on September 18, 2016 in Foxboro, Massachusetts.
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Being quarterback of the New England Patriots comes with an awful lot of stress. You put the city of Boston on your back and they hold their breath with every single play. You get coached by one of the biggest curmudgeon’s in the sport, Bill Belichick. If you aren’t Tom Brady, you get to live in one of the best modern quarterback’s shadow until the day you retire. That sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Jimmy Garoppolo has to deal with all of these issues and more every time he puts on the pads. It is a ridiculous and demanding position. After dealing with an injury though, it looks like he may have bit off a little more than he can chew.

The Boston Herald is reporting that the Patriots are putting a bit of unneeded pressure on the young quarterback to play this Thursday against the Texans.

“However, the Patriots are putting pressure on Garoppolo to be ready as quickly as possible, even reminding him Tom Brady played through a similar injury on multiple occasions throughout his career, sources have told the Herald. That Garoppolo took part in practice Tuesday, on a limited basis, reinforces how the Patriots have hopes of him playing this week.”

Belichick has been pushed already to talk about the injury situation and the results have been less than stellar as getting information out of him is worse than almost anything on earth.

Belichick did reiterate that it is Garoppolo’s choice when it is all said and done.

“A player’s personal situation, his health, always comes first,” Belichick said.

Is it really though? Putting pressure on an injured player isn’t the way to go in the modern era of the NFL. While they are only reports currently from the Boston Herald, it makes for an interesting study into how NFL front office’s are operating today.

[Boston Herald]

About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at