Source: Ethics Alarms
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With more and more information coming out about the dangers of concussions, many parents are being hesitant these days about letting their children play contact sports. Especially with football, we have constant reminders of some of the pain that pro players face as a result of concussions and some players like Brett Favre, have decided he rather have his children golf than play football.

In order to make tackle football safer for children, it is recommended that younger kids do not engage in tackle football. The reason being that while football is dangerous for head injuries, it’s especially dangerous for kids who haven’t undergone puberty and their brain hasn’t been fully developed. And state governments across the country are starting to look into these recommendations with Illinois potentially being the first state to ban tackle football for children under the age of 12.

This bill isn’t close to becoming law, but a law like this has gone the furthest than any other state. WQAD reports that Democrat Representative Carol Sente’s plan to ban tackle football for preteens will be reviewed by Illinois’ Mental Health Committee. The bill will be named after former Chicago Bears DB Dave Duerson, who committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest to save his brain for CTE testing.

Many parents defend having their kids participate in tackle football at a young age in order to not fall behind in learning how to tackle compared to other kids in other states but this seems like a law that will be inevitable. It’ll just take time. Football isn’t even the only sport who is likely to limit young kids of physical play. It is also recommended that preteens not head a soccer ball and local soccer leagues are looking at banning heading in youth soccer before high school.

[WQAD/Photo: Ethics Alarms]

About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp