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The Cleveland Browns unveiled a statue outside its stadium honoring Jim Brown on Sunday, and things got kind of weird.

We’ve seen plenty of these statue unveilings before, but the Browns managed to make things weird. The reveal turned into a two-part event and managed to make it look like the statue was being held hostage.

As you can see in the video, the reveal of the body seems pretty normal. However, it’s hard not to cringe when you see the head covered in a black bag. Though it’s an inanimate object, it looks like the Browns just decided to steal this statue from somewhere. Someone had to think this was a bad idea, right?

I guess not. This is the Cleveland Browns, however. It’s hard to expect anything less from this dysfunctional franchise.

About Ryan Williamson

Ryan is a recent graduate of the University of Missouri and has recently returned to his Minnesota roots. He previously has worked for the Columbia Missourian, KFAN radio in Minneapolis and BringMeTheNews.com. Feel free to email me at rwilliamson29 AT Gmail dot com.