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Ben Roethlisberger’s Twitter account has become infamous for blocking tons and tons of people, especially NFL reporters and analysts, from the social media platform. The mass blockage has been going on for several years already, and when Roethlisberger revealed his return to the Steelers in April via Twitter, several NFL writers freaked out about not being able to see the announcement.

One of the blocked journalists is ESPN’s Scott Van Pelt. So when Big Ben appeared on Friday’s SportsCenter, SVP made sure to smoothly bring up the topic. Roethlisberger explained that he does not run his social media accounts, so everyone who has been blocked, including Van Pelt, should not blame him. The mastermind is actually the woman who runs his fan site and social media accounts.

“I don’t do Twitter, that’s the funny thing. I do not do my Twitter. I do not do Insta — whatever all that stuff is now. It’s not me.

“There is an awesome, awesome woman, Erin (Cox) who runs my website, who does all that stuff for me. And she is one of the nicest, sweetest people around. And if you say something bad, you’re gonna get blocked, I guess. I have nothing to do with it. That’s the funniest part.”

Roethlisberger went above and beyond to distance himself from his Twitter account.

“I heard from my agent that I’m the only person in the world that blocks people. Most people want as many followers as possible I hear. I don’t really care ’cause it’s not me. … It’s officially a lady who does stuff for me, but it’s not me. So I’m not blocking. I have not blocked you.”

I hope all these journalists got the message.


In fairness to Erin, Twitter can be a pretty nasty place and probably gets better when everyone is blocked.

About Jesse Kramer

Jesse is a writer and editor for The Comeback. He has also worked for SI.com and runs The Catch and Shoot, a college basketball website based in Chicago. He is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Follow Jesse on Twitter @Jesse_Kramer.

4 thoughts on “Ben Roethlisberger explains he’s not the one blocking everyone from his Twitter account

  1. It’s done in his name. I’d consider getting someone with a lil bit tougher skin to run it.

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  2. This is what ESPN considers important. It says a lot about their target audience.

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