Duke guard Grayson Allen said he was going to try to cut out some of the chippier fouls and all-around J.J. Redick-ness from his game after being called out for it multiple times last year. Remember these tripping incidents?


Allen spent quite a bit of the offseason trying to repair his image and move on from his past, but he had a “relapse” against Elon where he fell back into his old habits.

Duke assistant coach Jon Scheyer had to physically restrain Allen as he had a meltdown on the sidelines.

And naturally, the internet reacted swiftly and strongly.



Duke actually trailed Elon at halftime, so it appears Allen’s meltdown is fairly indicative of how his team has been playing.

Important question: is Grayson Allen more “Duke” than J.J. Redick?

UPDATE: Allen got very emotional after the game talking about the trip.

Meanwhile, Coach K basically dodged the question of how he’d handle Allen’s inclination toward tripping.


About Matt Lichtenstadter

Recent Maryland graduate. I've written for many sites including World Soccer Talk, GianlucaDiMarzio.com, Testudo Times, Yahoo's Puck Daddy Blog and more. Houndstooth is still cool, at least to me. Follow me @MattsMusings1 on Twitter, e-mail me about life and potential jobs at matthewaaron9 at Yahoo dot com.