With Michigan State’s entire university and athletics program coming under intense scrutiny following the trial of Larry Nassar, one of Michigan State’s most famous alums is speaking out and calling out anyone associated with the university who may have been aware of any wrongdoing regarding alleged sexual assaults connected to the university in any capacity.
Magic Johnson started his week on Twitter by firing off a series of messages on Twitter denouncing anyone tied to the university who may have been aware of any sexual assault cases within the university and athletics program. Johnson called for the firing of any individual that may be connected to a series of allegations if found to be guilty of being aware of anything without doing their part to step in and handle the cases in a responsible fashion.
The roles of the new President, Board of Trustees, athletic department, faculty, campus police and students will be to work together to create new policies and procedures to ensure this never happens again.
— Earvin Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) January 29, 2018
Johnson’s tweets come after a weekend of negative headlines for the Michigan State program. Michigan State athletics director Mark Hollis resigned amid investigative reports revealing there have been numerous sexual assault scandals allegedly within the men’s basketball and football programs under current coaches Tom Izzo and Mark Dantonio. Both coaches have taken strong stands against the allegations they took any part in covering up misdeeds of their players connected to allegations on their watch. Things got particularly awkward for Izzo following Sunday’s road victory at Maryland when an ESPN reporter for Outside the Lines grilled him in the postgame press conference.
Johnson made a point to say he still would like to work with Izzo to support the Spartans basketball program, although his previous statements would seem to draw a line with Izzo if anything were to come out confirming Izzo did in fact have any knowledge of any sexual assaults that were not handled correctly.
What is happening at Michigan State is unfortunate, to say the least. Hopefully having Johnson take a firm stand against anyone in a leadership position not using their power to protect any alleged victims the way they should will help lead to positive changes at Michigan State. The damage may have already been done, but any preventative action to reduce the chance it happens again is worth taking.