During the second half of Thursday night’s Arizona-Arizona State basketball game in Tempe, ASU’s Remy Martin stepped up to the free throw line. But before Martin could shoot, he was interrupted by the referee, who was busy ejecting an Arizona male cheerleader.
It’s wasn’t clear at first why the cheerleader was tossed, but ESPN sideline reporter Molly McGrath said he “was hecking and saying some inappropriate things.”
“I was just standing right here. An Arizona cheerleader was heckling and saying some inappropriate things, so the official made him leave. He has been escorted out of the building.”
And some Twitter reaction to the rare cheerleader ejection:
Did an Arizona cheerleader just get ejected? Don't think I've ever seen that before.
— Doug Haller (@DougHaller) February 16, 2018
An Arizona cheerleader has been tossed. This rivalry is lit.
— Fabian Ardaya (@FabianArdaya) February 16, 2018
Did that Arizona cheerleader get thrown out because he has the hairline of a 48 year old?
— Scott Howard (@ScottHoward42) February 16, 2018
We’ve got an ejected cheerleader and double Pikachus and a guy in a speedo with a title belt and a shake-weight and, by rule, every game must now be Arizona-Arizona State
— Brian Hamilton (@_Brian_Hamilton) February 16, 2018
So first an Arizona cheerleader got kicked out, and then ASU student section breaks out Pikachu. What is going on in Tempe? pic.twitter.com/o6sgW0Ulmy
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanDFischer) February 16, 2018