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In case you missed the initial story, Jeffrey Harrison became a viral sensation back in July when he was filmed playing pickup basketball in full Michael Jordan gear.

Harrison had every last detail, down to the shoes, as well as the arm and leg bands. It made his appeal that much greater, and had the internet going crazy over him.

So here we are, a month and some days later, and Michael Jordan has sent Harrison two boxes of gear. That’s a pretty sweet gesture by MJ, and you know Harrison was absolutely loving it:

KREM 2 in Spokane, Washington, passed along Harrison’s information to Jordan’s business manager. According to KREM 2, Harrison’s mother Barbara kept it all a secret, and he had no idea it was coming.

Harrison even got to speak to Jordan on the phone:

Harrison was elated, as he told KREM 2:

“I knew it was him. It kind of brought me to tears after I got off the phone so I figured this is really going to be nice. The fact that Michael Jordan took the time to call and put all this together. I love it, even the cologne even the sweats, I love it,” said Harrison.

Many people did not know at the time the video went viral that Harrison is autistic, so he’s unable to work. So he spends the majority of his time playing and watching basketball.

It’s great to see Jordan reach out like this. He’s seemed especially active this summer.


About Harry Lyles Jr.

Harry Lyles Jr. is an Atlanta-based writer, and a Georgia State University graduate.