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If there is one thing to learn, it’s that the most innocent and fun things can turn ugly immediately.

Last night, LeBron James had some fun after grabbing a courtside server’s beer during the Cleveland Cavs playoff game against the Toronto Raptors. After pretending to drink the beer, he instead set it back on the server’s tray. It was all in great fun and was a nice laugh.

After Great Lakes Brewing Company retweeted a pic of LeBron holding their Dortmunder Gold beer, LeBron isn’t loving that someone is trying to profit off of him. Even if it’s their own beer.

This stemmed from as far back as 2010 when the local brewery released an ale called “Quitness” when LeBron decided to “take his talents to South Beach.” LeBron is upset that a brewery who once trashed him for profit is now trying to use this situation for profit as well.

LeBron James has every right to be mad. And I’m pretty sure he wasn’t processing in his mind that the beer he was grabbing was from a company who criticized him. And LeBron has every right to protect his brand and not have it be associated with something he didn’t want to. But I just don’t have any sympathy for the man for something like this.

For one thing, LeBron actually did grab the beer and whether he liked it or not, shouldn’t be shocked that the beer company in question wanted to do something because it involved one of the best players in NBA history. I would lose respect if a company was in that situation and didn’t try to do something like this. Another, LeBron has to realize that back in 2010, everyone in Cleveland hated him for going to Miami. Even the man who signs LeBron’s checks put out a letter trashing LeBron and though it was written in Comic Sans, still said what LeBron did was a “cowardly betrayal.” Not to mention the various things fans did when they heard the news. Targeting a local brewery seems a bit selective given the entire city hated his guts at the time.

We all know what this translates to. Because LeBron didn’t get any money from Great Lakes, LeBron has a problem with Great Lakes connecting their beer with him even though he initiated the viral moment. Dan Gilbert was eventually forgiven when he started paying him hundreds of millions again so maybe money heals all wounds.


About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp