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Joel Berry II admits to not understanding magnitude of UNC-Duke rivalry at first

The one thing College Gameday’s basketball shows can hang their hat on is at least a couple times a season is that one student makes the half-court shot that wins them tuition money. The crowd in the arena goes crazy, and the rest of us pretend like we pay attention to the hours long snooze-fest.

Well, we got some excitement during a break in Tuesday’s game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Memphis Grizzlies. One fan got a halfcourt shot that could win him $95,000. Obviously, he made it (or why would we write about it). While the shot is tremendous, the man’s reaction leaves something to be desired.

It’s a great shot, but where’s the reaction, man? I get more excited winning a hand of $5 blackjack. If I won $95,000, who knows what crazy, possibly-incriminating things I would’ve done.

My only explanation is that he’s trying to act cool and act like he’s been there before. Dude, you aren’t a wide receiver scoring a touchdown in the NFL. You’re a Joe-Schmoo shooting for a crapton of cash on the court at Lakers game. Fire up. This Virginia student might need to get in touch with this Lakers fan and show him how to get excited.

About Ryan Williamson

Ryan is a recent graduate of the University of Missouri and has recently returned to his Minnesota roots. He previously has worked for the Columbia Missourian, KFAN radio in Minneapolis and BringMeTheNews.com. Feel free to email me at rwilliamson29 AT Gmail dot com.