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This election season is tough on everyone, and San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich has a solution- why not vote for Pedro?

‘Pedro’ is the fictional character ‘Pedro Sanchez’ from the cult classic Napoleon Dynamite. Pedro’ runs for class president and his friend, the titular Napoleon Dynamitem wears a shirt in support that reads “Vote for Pedro”.

Popovich wearing the shirt of a quirky and odd character should come as a surprise to no one, but it should come as a shock to some that he decided to make an endorsement for president so close to the presidential election.

Somehow, this isn’t the first time Popovich wore this shirt. He apparently wore it this past summer while giving a pep talk to the US Swimming team as pointed out by Uproxx.

What an inspiration.

As far as the hip power rankings go, Popovich may be behind the curve. As far as ironic novelty t-shirts that were once popular go, Popovich would be way ahead of everyone else. Don’t be surprised if he wears an “I’m with Stupid” shirt next.

[Claire Brandon]

About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at sblaze17@gmail.com