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Forget the whole controversy of whether or not Space Jam 2 will ever be a thing. The original Space Jam is returning to theaters in mid-November to celebrate it’s 20th anniversary.

The original 20th-century Space Jam website still exists, two decades after its creation, and now the movie that accompanied it is coming back as well.

The cult-classic hit is returning Nov. 13 at 2 p.m. ET and 6 p.m. along with Nov. 16 at 7:00 p.m. The promotion comes thanks to Fathom Events, that company that advertises Opera shows in movie theaters you always disregard before your actual movie?

The movie was originally released way back on Nov. 15, 1996 and brought in $230 million at the box office worldwide. Part of the reason why it was a hit back then and still today was the incredible cast: Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Larry Johnson, Mugsy Bogue, Shawn Bradley, and more.

To get ready for the movie’s return to theaters, here’s the original trailer.

Right now the sequel has no release date, but it is rumored to be in the works with LeBron James taking over for Michael Jordan as the movie’s star.

[Sports Illustrated]

About David Lauterbach

David is a writer for The Comeback. He enjoyed two Men's Basketball Final Four trips for Syracuse before graduating in 2016. If The Office or Game of Thrones is on TV, David will be watching.