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Dwight Howard has a polarizing presence in the NBA, and that makes him an easy target for some fans looking to stir the pot a little bit at an NBA game. On Sunday, things got a little heated between Howard and a Lakers fan, and security had to step in to calm things down.

After the Hawks took a loss in Los Angeles, a fan in the stands called out to Howard, calling him a “bitch.” Not content with such name-calling shenanigans, Howard turned around to confront the foul-mouthed fan in the stands.

Howard challenged the fan to come down there and say that to him, which never particularly goes well in the PR department. Fortunately, an ugly incident was prevented from devolving much farther than we got here as security stepped in to usher Howard away from the crowd.

It was expected Howard would take some verbal jabs from Lakers fans given how his brief tenure with the team played out (if you missed it, it did not go well at all). Still, you like to see the professional athlete continue on and not give in to this sort of mockery.

Then again, fans do have a way of crossing the line at times, but Howard just gave this particular fan exactly what he wanted. The fan wanted to get under Howard’s skin without fear of being smacked around, and he got just that.

[Peachtree Hoops]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.