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The fall of Ronda Rousey has reached a new low. The latest person to take down Rousey happens to be a fifth grader.

OK, so we’re exaggerating some here of course, because there is absolutely no way Ronda Rousey would honestly be taken down by a fifth grader. But we’ll give this kid some props for daring to trip up Rousey during a judo lesson.

Think of this as something of an appetizer for this weekend’s UFC 210 (in which Rousey will not be participating). A very small appetizer.

The young lad delivering the leg sweep in the video shared on Rousey’s Instagram account is Jaxton Lundell. We don’t know if Jaxton is on a path to compete for a judo Olympic medal or one day step foot inside the octagon or anything like that, but he now owns a highlight that will be cherished for a long time, and that’s pretty darn cool.

As for Rousey, the guessing game on what her future is remains a great mystery. Rousey has been pretty much absent from the public eye for the most part since her loss last December. But if she is not going to be preparing herself for another bout in the ring, teaching kids how to thrive at judo is not a bad alternative to keep busy.

[Yahoo! Sports]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.