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Eli Gold discusses his departure from the Alabama Crimson Tide

It’s inevitable that, at some point, the Cubs will be a team to be hated for their success and their stars despised for their ubiquity. That might already be happening, actually!

As a Cubs fan, I admit that’s what’s going to happen, and I don’t begrudge anyone who has those views. But there’s one Cubs-related thing that remains above reproach: the Bryzzo Souvenir Co. commercials.

It’s so rare that ads (this is an MLB ad, obviously, but still) can be funny, repeatedly. Commercials aim for and normally fall well short of humor at every turn; check out the most recent crop of Super Bowl spots for proof.

But these videos just work. They updated the ubiquitous 2016 ad for the 2017 season, and it was great. And now, there are outtakes from the shoot, which might be even better:

Here are the three best moments from the new video, in no particular order. There will be no mention of Eddie Vedder, who is not a Cub, and isn’t that funny. Plus I’m thirty years old and Ten came out when I was four. He and Bruce Springsteen are peers, in my estimation.

Javy Baez doesn’t know what TPS reports are

And neither does Anthony Rizzo, and neither does Kris Bryant, who asked the question. Another fun fact: Office Space came out when Baez and Bryant were six and seven, respectively.

Intern David Ross can’t stop breaking up

As you might remember from the full ad, David Ross is currently the Bryzzo intern, and here he attempted to make a scone run for Kris Bryant. Unfortunately, he came back with vegan zucchini muffins instead, a fact Ross can’t get across without laughing.

Bryant, post-take: “A zucchini muffin? Is that a thing?”

Kris Bryant knows what an Old Fashioned is, thank you very much

This, though, is my favorite moment, because it’s actually revealing and hilarious. Between takes, Rizzo, Ross, and Bryant were discussing something. The transcript is as follows:

Rizzo: You don’t know what an Old Fashioned is though, is the thing.”

Bryant, indignant: “Yes I do, that’s my favorite doughnut!”

Oh, Kris Bryant, you beautiful, beautiful teetotaler.

Anyway, this series of ads can continue as long as MLB wants, in my opinion. It seems like everyone’s having a good time, and the players involved are all (again, seemingly) good guys who are fun to watch on the field and off.

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.