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Three years after Mo’ne Davis caught the baseball world by storm by dominating the Little League World Series, she’s back on the national baseball stage, this time at the RBI World Series in Cincinnati.

Davis, a Philadelphia native, is on the Phillies, the Philadelphia affiliate of RBI, MLB’s “Reviving Baseball in Inner-Cities.” Davis struggled in the Phillies’ loss to Chicago, but at 16 years old, she’s still dominating baseball as a pioneer for young girls who want to play the sport.

We look forward to seeing Davis on the mound on even bigger stages in the future.

About Kevin Trahan

Kevin mostly covers college football and college basketball, with an emphasis on NCAA issues and other legal issues in sports. He is also an incoming law student. He's written for SB Nation, USA Today, VICE Sports, The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal, among others. He is a graduate of Northwestern University.