We got a rare example today of a commercial being legitimately fun and entertaining.

Not only was it commercial, but it was #BrandedContent, pushing Callaway Golf, BMW, and the European Tour all at once. Fortunately they buried all of those things underneath an attempt to do something ridiculous: have an open convertible race underneath a golf ball descending after being driven by a professional golfer.

That golfer: English European Tour up-and-comer Marcus Armitage, working with British race driver Paul O’Neill.

It’s seven minutes long, yes, but it’s seven minutes well-spent:

That’s like Dude Perfect except with cheerful British people and the acknowledgment that things aren’t completed on the first take. It also brings back the best vibes of, say, Top Gear challenges. Armitage’s shirt-off celebration for the successful attempt that fell short of record-breaking distance was also tremendous.

Armitage (nicknamed The Bullet, which is awesome) might be my new favorite European Tour player based solely on this video. Well done, Euro Tour.

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.

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