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Sometimes you have to wonder if a campaign gets a green light and goes public with the intention of sending a mixed message in hopes of going viral for all the wrong reasons or if there really is a need for some more eyes and hurdles before getting the final stamp of approval.

Case in point, the Yukon Health and Social Services campaign to promote consumption of Vitamin D.

The campaign slogan?

“We all need the D. Even me!”

Oh boy.

Of course, the Internet could not allow this campaign go unnoticed. How nobody associated with the campaign would have realized or been informed along campaign’s development that some people might interpret “the D” to refer to what Urban Dictionary is defined as a male organ used for sexual activity, and how that might lead to the motto to be interpreted much differently is equally amazing as it is amusing and befuddling.

It doesn’t stop with just that one image and poster though. Yes, there’s more.

Like, this one that simply asks if you need a little help getting your daily D, with an image of a woman who appears to be in some slight shock that this campaign was approved in the first place…

We also live in a modern world, so it is equally important to ask if the men out there have gotten their D as well, but wait a minute! What are you thinking about doing to that dog, sir?!

But hey, at least we all know that we should all be getting more Vitamin D in our lives, so mission accomplished?


About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.